Our Vision

A resilient, caring community that comes together to solve problems and take collective actions that support and protect both the heritage and the future of the St. George Community.

Our Mission

The mission of the St. George Community Development Corporation is to help make the community livable for all residents. We will lead and fund innovative projects that enhance resiliency by supporting community and economic development, ensuring the presence of workforce housing, expanding educational opportunities, increasing access to healthcare and operating a food pantry to serve the ill, needy, or children in the Town of St. George and its villages—Tenants Harbor and Port Clyde.  

The Corporation seeks not only to consolidate community efforts in the Town of St. George and its villages to address these challenges but to also inspire the community to come together to build mutually supportive, sustainable programs and institutions.

We believe that a resilient and sustainable community rests on these five interdependent pillars of strength and that the Corporation can be a nexus to support programs that weave them together to help ensure our community’s long term success. In that spirit, we plan to work closely with the existing local institutions, including the Town of St. George, the St. George Municipal School, and other local nonprofits and community groups. Together, we can identify and prioritize needs and opportunities across our five activity areas and serve as a center for community involvement. 

We are community supported and all donations to the CDC will be accepted according to our published Gift Acceptance Policy. Restrictions by the donor, e.g. donations of food or funds to the St. George Community Cupboard food pantry, will be used only for the purpose designated by the donor.

Our Staff

Sara Spencer Administrator & Operations Manager sara@stgeorgecommunity.org

Our Board of Directors

Robert Kelley – Board Chair/Executive Director/Treasurer  

Liz Matthews – Member

Jeff Boulet – Member

Alex Brasili – Member

Brendan Chase – Member/Treasurer

Margot Kelley- Ex Officio Member